+1 415 744 1491 P.O. Box 612108 - San Jose, CA 95161-9701, USA

Santoyo Family

I would like to thank on behalf of Santoyo family. I came to know this family when they were selling snack, candy and cigarette at the corner of Nia Road. When we visited Nia road we encountered with their family. She had three daughters and one son. Once she was pregnant, she asked me clothes for her baby. I asked her boy or girl. She said, “I do not know”. I asked some friend and shared the baby clothes to her. It was John Rey a baby boy. The baby was seven months old. Mrs. Santoyo asked me to help her house repair, because the government does not allow to stay and selling on the street. So we went to the hardware shop and bought some roof, ply wood, nail for them. They were very happy to have their house repair. They lived a bit comfortable than before. It’s impossible for them because of their limited income and many children to provide.

I really thank our benefactors who help the poor family. You make them better place to stay and help their family by supporting financially. I ask them to pray for you and I also pray for you

May God Bless You All
Pho Cho Nay Myo Htet SJ

“First of all I wanted to say Thank you! For helping our family. I have three daughters (Jasmine, Jayden, Joella) and one son (John rey). Before I have small sari-sari (grosery) store in PNB (Philippines National Bank) Nia Road. But now I already stopped because of our barangay chairman told us not to continue to selling. My husband working as a tricycle driver. I take care of children and saving money from my husband income. But still not enough when my first daughters go to school I give 10 peso to her for snack. We just eat two times a day sometime only one time. That’s why I am very thankful when you help us to fix our house. I am blessing to meet all of you because you have a warm heart for poor persons like us. My husband tricycle is rental only every day is 400 peso that’s why my husband income still not enough for us. God bless to all of you and thank you for all you help us. I will always pray for God to have a good health and long life. by Riza, Santoyo”.

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Help the poor by donating via PayPal, or contact us at
Phanxico Charity
PO BOX 425120
San Francisco, CA 94142
Tel. +1 (415) 744-1491
📣 Tại Việt Nam:
xin quý vị vui lòng đóng góp vào số tài khoản:
Cha Giuse Nguyễn Minh Quân (Cộng Tác Viên Hội Bác Ái Phanxico Tại Việt Nam)
STK: 0381000542289
Ngân hàng Vietcombank – CN Thủ Đức, Tp HCM
xin liên hệ với Cha Quân theo số Điện thoại: 0902544954,
hoặc Sr Ngọc Lan theo số 0707284389 để biết thêm hoạt động của Hội.

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